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After buying second-hand ball mill maintenance and repair

Date: 2014-9-3 17:18:59 Read: 2799 times

Second-hand ball mill after purchase will make necessary repair, usually manufacturers all maintenance. But after work, for running in situation assessment, so the following several aspects of maintenance is necessary. 
Inspection on lubrication oil pump, oil filter and piping, if necessary for cleaning and replacement lubricating oil; 
Check all the connecting bolt, replace defective fasteners; 
Cleaning and checking pinion defects such as crack, mesh check and record the wear depth at the same time, check whether there is the big gear and bolt looseness phenomenon; 
Check the coupling and the clutch and replacement of wearing parts; Inspection and maintenance front-rear device is easy to wear parts; 
Replace part of mill cylinder liner; 
Check the main bearing the thickness of the bearing bush; 
Check the cooling water system, pipe blockage or leakage, replacement of aging oil resistant rubber () in the main bearing housing. 
Second-hand ball mill maintenance and repair for better products production and application. 
Tags: second-hand ball mill 
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