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Mechanical parts: under the background of transition to invest in new thinking

Date: 2014-11-14 15:48:03 Read: 3312 times

Machinery industry is different from the 2013 deduce the growth of unilateral city, is neither a growth stock of unilateral city in 2014, nor is it a blue chip of unilateral city, both the growth plate and blue-chip plate have opportunity worth mining stocks. 
A, supply contract with traditional mechanical tap investment opportunities, the traditional mechanical tap may welcome the double increase performance and valuation. Results improve the logic is that the economic downturn, the traditional mechanical have small businesses, large enterprises share gains, profitability, the phenomenon of bottoming out. Valuation is the logic is that after 2011-2013 years of silence, the traditional mechanical adversity leads to prosperity, or seek to reform in state-owned enterprises, or denotative expansion. The traditional mechanical tap investment opportunities are beginning to appear in the engineering machinery, ships, as well as the elevator industry. Key recommendation xugong, China shipping, Shanghai mechanical and electrical, homelite elevators, yunda co. 
Second, the industrial policy to bring the robot industry continued catalyst. Robot and captivating prospect to plate reality bony, currently in the upstream and downstream industry chain, core components upstream and middle reaches of ontology are below break-even point, only the downstream system integration links have profit, and growth is the ceiling, past, present and future matching is difficult to forecast performance and valuation of the three years. From central to local levels, industrial support policies, provide continuous catalyst for robot plate. From the Angle of industry chain, relative value, which is mainly composed of system integration or cooperation with foreign enterprises, the former can take advantage of engineer bonuses, feedback the research and development and production of the core components and ontology, which is able to market in technology, profits directly. From the perspective of industry status and industrial policy, we believe that for domestic robot plate is at the early stage of development, those who benefit from industrial policy and market value of smaller firms have more elastic. Key recommendation star science and technology, bo real shares, the shares. 
Third, global industrial relocation, Marine engineering equipment cycle. Based on the mining land peak period has passed, geopolitical and economic, the global oil and gas must be from land to sea. Traditional of maritime powers Singapore and South Korea jack-up platform is then gradually withdraw from the market, our country jack-up platform in spring. After 2011 years in our country introduced heavyweight policy intensive support to the development of Marine engineering equipment. Benefit targets including cimc group and state shares, yaxing chain, zhenhua heavy industries. 
Four, railway equipment in the international market breakthrough just around the corner. Worldwide, the railway construction of our country has a price advantage. Brazil and other South American market development smoothly. Russian market prospect, big probability is expected to open in China. In 2014, the growth of the railway equipment industry logic may change, before questioning may reassure about overseas growth. Key recommendation CNR, northern business. 
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