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Shandong Linyi Kuntai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
HOT KEY WORDS:used ball mill,used crusher,NE elevator,old ball mill
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Product Name:Ф X13 2.6 meters of second-hand ball mill

Ф X13 2.6 meters of second-hand ball mill
  • Ф X13 2.6 meters of second-hand ball mill
Product Description

Ф X13 2.6 meters of second-hand ball mill 
Ball mill efficiency way 
(1) increase the effective volume 
Improve the mill can raise the productivity of mill, compared to the effective volume lining thickness, weight, increased power consumption, and reduced the cylinder volume, reduces the production efficiency of ball mill. If choose magnetic lining, can increase the effective volume of the cylinder, the weight is less at the same time, reduced power consumption. However choose thinner magnetic lining board have some disadvantages, because the thickness is small, the fight against playing ability is not as active Cr Mn Mo alloy cast steel liner, prone to fracture. For example, some manufacturers for lining board problem with grooved ring lining, increased the ball ore contact surface, strengthen the grinding effect, and enhance ability of minerals, reduced energy consumption, is widely used. 
(2) increase the rate of filling and turn rate 
The processing capacity of ball mill increase with the increase of steel ball of the filling rate, improve the filling rate increased the risk of steel ball grinding crushed ore and ore grinding effect. Steel ball filling rate at 45% when the ball mill load is the largest, more than 45% with the increase of the filling rate of the load declined dramatically. This is mainly because with the increase of filling rate, cast steel ball up point is raised, steel ball falling rushed up together point to be near rotary centers and more than faster, shorten its torque and into O to negative, the steel ball (including mine) hit the impact of the fall and the required load torque changed from big to 0, until to push cylinder rotation dynamics (namely force point more than center, negative torque). 
(3) change the shape of grinding medium 
Can choose oval ball medium instead of current ball medium, the oval ball compared with ball, its advantages are as follows: 
Oval ball and compared with the diameter of the ball, weight increased by 62%, impact strength, improve the ability of broken; 2) between the oval ball by a line contact instead of point contact between balls and 4 times larger than the ball contact area and the selective crushing of material and good sieving effect, uniform end product size, reduced the crushing phenomenon; 3) oval ball and compared with the diameter of the ball, the ball surface area increased by 8%, increased the contact surface of the steel ball medium and material, to improve the grinding ability; 4) oval ball and mill lining board with line contact instead of point contact ball, reduce wear steel ball transform of medium plate, reduces the ball medium and the impact of the mill lining board, thereby reducing ball medium and the mill liner wear and prolong the service life; 5) ellipsoidal antistatic effect, resistance to moisture, it also can reduce the adsorption of fine powder, reduce grinding phenomenon. 
Ellipsoid compared with sphere, can make the crushing and grinding capacity of mill is greatly improved, at the same time also have corresponding to equipment wear and tear down. 

規(guī)格型號 筒體轉(zhuǎn)速(r/min) 裝球量(t) 進料粒度(mm) 出料粒度(mm) 產(chǎn)量 電機功率(kw) 重量(t)
Ф900×1800 36~38 1.5 ≤20 0.075-0.89 0.65-2 18.5 4.6
Ф900×3000 36 2.7 ≤20 0.075-0.89 1.1-3.5 22 5.6
Ф1200×2400 36 3 ≤25 0.075-0.6 1.5-4.8 30 12
Ф1200×3000 36 3.5 ≤25 0.074-0.4 1.6-5 37 12.8
Ф1200×4500 32.4 5 ≤25 0.074-0.4 1.6-5.8 55 13.8
Ф1500×3000 29.7 7.5 ≤25 0.074-0.4 2-5 75 15.6
Ф1500×4500 27 11 ≤25 0.074-0.4 3-6 110 21
Ф1500×5700 28 12 ≤25 0.074-0.4 3.5-6 130 24.7
Ф1830×3000 25.4 11 ≤25 0.074-0.4 4-10 130 28
Ф1830×4500 25.4 15 ≤25 0.074-0.4 4.5-12 155 32
Ф1830×6400 24.1 21 ≤25 0.074-0.4 6.5-15 210 34
Ф1830×7000 24.1 23 ≤25 0.074-0.4 7.5-17 245 36
Ф2100×3000 23.7 15 ≤25 0.074-0.4 6.5-36 155 34
Ф2100×4500 23.7 24 ≤25 0.074-0.4 8-43 245 42
Ф2100×7000 23.7 26 ≤25 0.074-0.4 8-48 280 50
Ф2200×4500 21.5 27 ≤25 0.074-0.4 9-45 280 48.5
Ф2200×6500 21.7 35 ≤25 0.074-0.4 14-26 380 52.8
Ф2200×7000 21.7 35 ≤25 0.074-0.4 15-28 380 54
Ф2200×7500 21.7 35 ≤25 0.074-0.4 15-30 380 56
Ф2400×3000 21 23 ≤25 0.074-0.4 7-50 245 54
Ф2400×4500 21 30 ≤25 0.074-0.4 8.5-60 320 65
Ф2700×4000 20.7 40 ≤25 0.074-0.4 12-80 400 94
Ф2700×4500 20.7 48 ≤25 0.074-0.4 12-90 430 102
Ф3200×4500 18 65 ≤25 0.074-0.4 按工藝條件定 800 137

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