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Second-hand ball mill installation and debugging is the enterprise competitive edge tool

Date: 2014-11-29 11:47:52 Read: 3314 times

Because of second-hand ball mill is the second-hand materials processing, repair after reuse again, due to the advantage on the price itself, product after-sales service, relatively few manufacturer do not reach the designated position, for the customer is actually difficult to form a turn to introduce such a long-term development model. Eventually led to the small factory to the final collapse even partnership to end. 
Profit is very important for enterprise, but the long-term development of the enterprise more feelings and purchase of the user feedback after the user experience and problem. Second-hand ball mill after installation and debugging to become the competition between enterprises is more and more obvious advantages, small manufacturer do not have such technical advantage, in constant of merger, acquisition and reorganization, developing more and more formal. 
The emphasis of the second-hand ball mill installation: 
The bearing center distance according to the drawing size installation, but inlet and discharging mouth, barrel after assembly if there is actual size deviation, according to the actual size of the construction. 
Idle running after qualified, adding 20% ~ 30% of the steel ball load test and material. 
Long downtime, high pressure oil pump should be every once in a while to open for 2 minutes, keep a certain amount of oil film thickness. 
Used ball mill kuntai machinery purchase, we guarantee that the factory distribution, equipment installation and debugging. 
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