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How to solve the secondary crusher noise big problem

Date: 2016-4-12 14:02:50 Read: 2739 times

With the development of the industry, the noise is more and more during the development of industrial pollution sources, how to solve this problem is we're thinking about now. Today let the secondary crusher manufacturers to help you solve the problem of the noise of the secondary crusher, give you more thinking and solution. 
1, used crusher noise troubleshooting solution of itself. 
In the process of work, a lot of machinery and equipment of their own problems, such as belt running deviation or screw loosening, etc., will increase the capacity of the machine, to a dangerous at the same time we also create conditions for the generation of noise. Therefore, regular check, its breakdown is very important. 
2, used crusher shall regularly maintain, lubricating oil, because the machine itself material if not checked and smooth, easily because of the friction resistance and noise. 
3, add the sound-absorbing cotton in the route of transmission, such as planting trees, can effectively reduce noise. 
4, personal protection for workers to wear ear cover, prevent noise object such as a helmet. 
Noise problem becomes more and more become a social problem, pay attention to the secondary crusher, and other products of the noise problem, has become a topic in today's social development. 

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