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Product Name:Planar magnetic separator working principle and technical parameters of characteristics

Planar magnetic separator working principle and technical parameters of characteristics
  • Planar magnetic separator working principle and technical parameters of characteristics
Product Description

Planar magnetic separator is my company's latest research and development of high gradient, high field intensity magnetic separation equipment, mainly is suitable for the temperature method and processing of non-metallic mineral iron purification, in particular, quartz, feldspar, kaolin, nepheline mines iron purification, can also be used for hematite, limonite and siderite, manganese ore, ilmenite, wolframite and other weak magnetic metal wet separation and black and white tungsten separation, cassiterite black tungsten and separation. 
Technical features: 
1, using high performance ndfeb material, magnetic circuit design is unique, the highest surface magnetic field can reach 18000 gs. 
2, compared to other permanent magnetic separator magnetic scavenging area is large, in addition to iron effect is good. 
3, surface slope, slope adjustment according to the material status to achieve the best effect of iron removal. 
4, belt speed adjustable frequency conversion, according to the material shape to adjust the belt speed can achieve better effect of iron removal. 
5, adopt wear-resisting canvas as a conveyor belt, which greatly increase the service life of the conveyor belt. 
6, save electricity and energy saving. 
Working principle: 
Pulp through filling pipe into the magnetic separator uniform feeding device, after fully dispersed by uniform glow discharge in the upper part of the magnetic plate tin, slurry under gravity flow down along the tilt direction of the magnetic board, pulp containing ferromagnetic material in magnetic system provided by the strong magnetic field, was firmly adsorbed in the discharge of the tin, drive motor rotation device and iron straps along the magnetic plate tilted upward movement direction, at the same time, the adsorption of ferromagnetic objects into the discharge area of iron, was unloading iron pipes) in the wash water into tailings were collected in the bucket, nonmagnetic pulp continue to flow down the magnetic plate, into the concentrate were collected in the bucket. 
The main technical data: 





















More information about second-hand ball mill, magnetic separator, please log in at any time of second-hand ball mill at http://www.zhuji001.cn/ 

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