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Three aspects influencing factors of second-hand ball mill production

Date: 2014-8-16 18:17:16 Read: 2755 times

Only master of second-hand ball mill production factors can better let the ball mill production service life. Influence of ball mill production factors are mainly three aspects: 
Impact mill yield rate range. When the ball diameter is too large for fewer shocks and grinding area is small and the lower the yield rate. Hours and the ball size for shortage of impact force and the lower the yield rate. Accurate when the ball diameter can make the mill yield substantial progress. Through our henan LanJi test proved that the ball diameter is too large to accurate, mill press - 0.074 mm gauge utilization coefficient value can progress 15% ~ 40%. 
Affect the grinding product granularity distribution uniformity. Fewer big ball diameter shock and the grinding is not fine, coarse level is too large when the impact force and impact damage increased. So the ball diameter of particle non-uniform commodity, too thick and the destruction of all, to choose don't. 
Impact grinding goods deposits in monomer dissociation degree of concave and convex. Big ball diameter due to the huge impact through broken in the ore, only granularity mechanically and mineral deposits of monomer dissociation degree is not high. After the ball diameter is accurate mineral deposits along the chance to add LianXiMian dissociation and commodity mineral deposits in the monomer dissociation degree of progress. After accurate ball size can make useful mineral deposits of monomer dissociation degree progress 4% ~ 6%, concentrate grade and recovery and progress. 
Tags: second-hand ball mill 
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