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The secondary crusher low-cost transfer of quality assurance

Date: 2015-1-27 14:56:26 Read: 2802 times

Second-hand equipment industry for many years, with high quality second-hand equipment identification, it is important for sales again, so for the secondary crusher to identify and evaluate and find the right customer, we are painstakingly, dedicated for many years. For the secondary crusher product identification we also summarizes quite a few in the evaluation standard, here are a few major, and share with you help your choose and buy equipment. 
The appearance of the product. Secondary crusher product the appearance of the simple judgment of old and new level can be seen at a glance the uneven, roughly the be clear at a glance is new and the old, but looks can be deceiving. The secondary crusher also exist to forge new, so appearance is basic but not necessary condition. Basically, the damage of the products be clear at a glance, the damage is more noticeable, the lower the price of natural does not exclude the unnecessary parts of damage, because the main accessories not bad basically does not affect the performance of the product. 
After that, appearance had roughly identified for comprehensive performance evaluation of the product. We decided to buy second-hand crusher, must for comprehensive performance testing, which requires the use of professional engineers for product, make a comprehensive evaluation. Including an identification of product degree of wear and tear, and the use fixed number of year estimated at a discount. 
Whether the final product related purchase vouchers is complete, the product maintenance record whether the detailed information, such as for the secondary crusher buyers are all important. So for the secondary crusher low-cost transfer of our previous work, the more perfect, for the customer is responsible for. Of course there are many aspects of certification requirements. Anyhow we will recommend the best product for our clients. 

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