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To buy second-hand ball mill troubleshooting

Date: 2014-7-29 18:18:48 Read: 2757 times

Second-hand ball mill as large equipment, one-time investment is often larger, so for the market of second-hand ball mill is popular with investors. Ball mill in cement production process, is a kind of very important grinding equipment. Its role is to put the blocks grinding into fine powder, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing specific surface area. To the choose and buy of second-hand ball mill in the following capacity, failure to do well. 
Breakdown failure 1: motor stator coil surface 
Solution: raw materials around the ball mill system contains a large number of iron dust in the air, in the long run, will stick on the stator coil, when reaches a certain thickness, it could cause short circuit discharge coil surface, the number is much, will destroy the insulation of wire coil, lead to spark breakdown, in a ball mill starts fault, that is what happened at the time and no spare motor, after careful analysis, associated with the car is short of the phenomenon of cylinder can work, act decisively, the breakdown of the coil, broken and scientific protection measures, after launch, production for a month, until change into new motor. 
Fault 2: suddenly fever reducer 
Solution: clinker mill reducer sudden fever, through inspection analysis, the problems lie in the cooling system, due to the silver of the industrial water containing large amount of alkali, especially mineral is more, clinker temperature is very high, leading to a high temperature around the reducer is, cooling water in cooling process to form the scale deposit on the inner wall of the coil. This sharp reduction of water through the coil, the heat generated by the speed reducer can not get timely exchange, cause fever. Yuanhua solution is to clean the inner wall of the coil scale first, and then disconnect production water, the cold of the cooling water to precipitate filter cylinder is cool down, and then supply to the coil of reducer for cooling, the effect is very good, its reason is cooling barrel water can reach more than 70 degrees, at high temperature formed scale in advance, before they can get into the coil filtering, equivalent to the water softening. 
Fault 3: sliding bearing tile burning bruises 
First of all, by an experienced mechanic to plunge cut grinding processing of scratches, make it smooth, without damage to the surface, scraping more rules micro groove, repair the tile edging, namely oil inlet, and then discharge air in the ball mill grinding medium and clinker, artificial turn the mill body of tile line into unconstrained grinding, after reaching a certain degree, and transmission part linkage no-load test run, hours later, into the grinding medium loading operation and clinker, by observing all normal. 
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