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Second-hand ball mill, the reason of oil leakage and solutions

Date: 2014-10-11 12:04:10 Read: 3316 times

Second-hand ball mill production tile oil leakage in the process of failure analysis and solution. 
Cause analysis: second-hand ball mill run after a period of time, some oil nozzle is the impurities on the spray pipe blockage, then spray the oil pressure rise inside the tubing, in other unplugged holes flow increase, and close to the oil slinger orifice flow of oil will splash into the oil slinger outside cause oil leakage phenomenon. 
Solution: fuel injection can be seen from the above situation of second-hand ball mill in the lubricating oil splash outside the oil slinger is the direct reason of oil leakage. To prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon, we have two sets of solutions, the first, we need between the fuel injection oil slinger and add a piece of oil resistant rubber sheet, oil will only splash even was thrown onto the rubber sheet, and do not splash outside the oil slinger, And the second is to put the oil aperture expanding, such tiny impurity in the lubricating oil won't plug injection hole, drill pipe in the oil pressure will not rise, nature also won't oil leakage. 
Note: dredge injection hole is should choose soft tool to clean up, so as to avoid hard damage to oil injection hole. 
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