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After buying second-hand ball mill production efficiency

Date: 2014-12-17 10:21:29 Read: 2701 times

Decision of second-hand ball mill production efficiency by several factors: 
Operation efficiency is a measure of small ball mill work, the operation efficiency would be that of a ball mill load capacity of transhipment, is also a measure of ball mill equipment in good condition and external eat mine is normal a standard. 
Second-hand ball mill operation is one of the most important part, mainly displays in: feed speed, as well as grinding method (dry milling and wet milling), of classifier overflow concentration and fineness, and the material of returns and the operation of the grinding parameters and so on, this is the basic guarantee of ball mill in the work. 
Appropriate improve the speed of second-hand ball mill, its yield increase to a certain extent, but the increase was small, and the amount and the consumption of lining board is very serious, the vibration of the ball mill is also rising. In the ball ball mill is running, the machine in the form of a rolling movement, therefore, rod mill speed should be lower than the speed of the ball mill. 
For the above factors, the influence of second-hand ball mill compared with all new ball mill machine in degree will be better, the production efficiency of the corresponding reached the production stage of best use. 
In view of the concerns for some customers, is of second-hand ball mill production efficiency is low, in fact for purchase of second-hand ball mill, early as long as you find the right distribution, for the product quality will have a more comprehensive understanding of, will not go wrong. 
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