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Shandong Linyi Kuntai Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
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Product Name:Dust collector

Dust collector
  • Dust collector
  • Dust collector
Product Description
Dust remover is introduced 
The dust from the flue gas separation equipment is called dust collector and dust removal equipment. The performance of the dust collector with can handle the amount of gas, gas through the resistance loss and the efficiency of dust control. 
Cloth bag dust collector 
With dust precipitator working principle is as follows: gas by bottom open flange into the filter chamber, coarser particles directly into the ash bin, dusty gas through the filter bag filter, dust resistance in bag table, net net gas through the mouth to the gas chamber, by the fan into the atmosphere. When growing on the surface of the filter bag dust, program-controlled machine began to work, one by one open pulse valve, make the compressed air through the vent to blowing soot cleaning of filter bag, filter bag balloon suddenly, under the action of reverse flow, gives the dust bag table quickly out of the filter bag into the ash bin dust by the discharge valve discharge. 
The performance characteristics of 
Using low pressure pulse blowing technology, high removal efficiency, low energy consumption. 
Use straight through low-pressure pulse valve. The injection pressure is 0.2 ~ 0.4 MPa, low resistance, quick opening and closing, ash removal ability. Because of the soot cleaning effect is good, soot cleaning cycle is long, the energy consumption of counter blowing gas. 
Pulse valve long life and good reliability. 
Because of the low injection pressure (0.2 ~ 0.4 MPa), pulse valve diaphragm pressure and the impact of the opening and closing the lower. At the same time because of the soot cleaning cycle longer, pulse valve opening times is less, so as to prolong the service life of the pulse valve, to improve the using reliability of pulse valve. 
Little resistance during equipment operation, injection effect is good. 
Filter adopts the chamber back pulse offline soot cleaning methods, avoid the phenomenon of adsorption of dust was repeatedly and improves the effect of pulse blowing ash removal, reduces the bag resistance. 
Filter bags demolition convenient, secure and reliable. 
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