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The ball mill installation test run

Date: 2014-7-29 18:16:55 Read: 2846 times

Ball mill installation is complete, after inspection, the empty test run can be achieved. The ball mill of ball mill in the test run by skilled operators, ball mill and strictly abide by the safety operation procedures. 
(a) continuous operation of idle running time not less than 12-24 hours a day, found that the problem should be resolved in a timely manner during operation. 
(2) the idle running of commissioning can be normal load test run. The load test run in every phases. Load operation shall be carried out according to the condition of discharge in the feed, avoid unnecessary grinding ball and the cylinder liner and damage. 
1, add appropriate material, and a third the number of steel ball (see the largest amount with ball mill assembly drawing) test run 12 to 24 hours. 
2, join to two-thirds of the number of steel ball works 24 to 48 hours. 
3, according to the ball mill discharge conditions, production of qualified products, with reference to the same kind of ball-mill machine actual loading quantity, determine the ball loading quantity of the ball mill machine, step to less than 72 hours of test run. 
(3) the increase of the load and test run of the length of time, with the size of the gear and gear reducer of the running-in condition (temperature, noise, tooth contact, etc.) as a basis for sure. In front of the tooth surface contact precision did not meet the design requirements, shall not operate at full capacity. (4) commissioning of cooling and lubrication system should be working properly. Main bearing, bearing, reducer temperature should be normal. 
(5) into the two-thirds of the number of steel ball test run 24-48 hours later, should check and tighten all bolts again. 
(6) the commissioning work should earnestly each record. 
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